El papel de los activos intangibles en el crecimiento económico regional
This paper is the summary of the IAREG (Intangible Assets and Regional
Economic Growth) European project, which analyzed the role of intangible
assets (IA) on regional economic growth. We focused on some of the most relevant
intangible assets, for which statistical information is available and where the consortium
had more expertise. Consequently, in this paper we put special attention
in four big factors: knowledge capital, human capital, social capital and entrepreneurship
capital. Additional to the main characteristics of each of these IA (related
with their measurement and their effects on regional economic growth), we also
analyzed the ensemble effects of these IA over the location of firms. For each asset,
we describe its main characteristics, the indicators for its measuring and its limitations,
as well as the main results associated to its impact on regional growth. We
must outline that in order to improve the analysis of the effects of the IA in regional
economic growth it is necessary to develop more and better databases. We present
some thoughts in this respect, based on our research experience. Finally, we give
some policy implications and recommendations.
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