Primavera 2007
Hans-Friedrich-Eckey and Matthias Türck
The main focus of convergence studies surrounds the question of
whether poor economies catch up to wealthier economies over time. The regional
convergence process in Europe has generated considerable interest in recent years.
Due to financial straits regional convergence is a central question, since important
funds aim at diminishing disparities. There are many studies published recently dealing
with this issue using different empirical approaches. The β-convergence framework,
which was introduced by Barro and Sala-i-Martin, is, for instance, an often
used approach. This paper provides a critical review of the used approaches and summarises
the results. A special problem is that authors refer to different periods and
Member State groups (EU-9, EU-15, etc.). Altogether it can be stated that most models
find a slow convergence process. In particular, the increase of regional inequalities
caused by the enlargement of the EU with the New Member States from Central
and Eastern Europe explains the existence of convergence clubs.
F. Javier Escribá y M.ª José Murgui
In this work we construct a database of regional technological capital,
with the maximun disaggregation compatible with Official Regional Accounts
of Spain. In addition, we analyze the goodness of these series and their performance
in the estimation of regional aggregate production functions. In the estimations
both own technological capital and external capital are included. The results
show reasonable estimated values of the output elasticities, which imply rates of
return to technological capital much higher that to other types of capital.
Ramón Barberán Ortí y Laura Espuelas Jiménez
This work develops a methodology for the calculation of the redistributive
effects at territorial level caused by the budgetary activity of the regional governments
and applies it to the Autonomous Community of Aragón in the 1999-2001
period. The obtained results show that the regional governments can cause important redistributive effects at provincial level and that such effects move away substantially
of the habitual normative criterion that takes as reference the population and the
GDP. These effects are much more noticeable and less predictable than the ones generated by the central government, according to the most recent estimations of the regional fiscal balances.
José A. Gómez-Limón y Almudena Gómez Ramos
The Water Framework Directive requires a public participation into
the new water planning process. This paper develops an analysis of the public opinion about the irrigated agriculture in Castilla y León as a previous step for the design
of an active and successful participation process. In order to do so, a survey has
been conducted addressing environmental and social effects of irrigated agriculture
and the different instruments available for public management of these agricultural
systems. The results show how regional public opinion considers positively the irrigated
agriculture because of its contributions to social welfare. However, it is thought
that the budget burden required for the transformation and the maintenance of these
kind of agricultural systems could be used more efficiently in other public policies.
As a consequence, regional society refuses policies based on transforming new areas
into irrigation. Opposite, it is demanded a more strict regulatory policy that minimizes
its environmental impact in the region.
Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Cota y Jorge Alberto Pérez Cruz
The Mexican economy experienced a geographical dispersion of the
manufacturing sector localization that favored the northern border region and the states
surrounding Mexico City during the period 1980-2003. The result was caused by
the previous higher concentration and because of the economic liberalization of the
Mexican economy since 1985. A generalized method of moment econometric model
was developed to estimate the influence of manufacturing agglomeration, inter-industrial
links and distance in the location decisions of the manufacturing firms. The results showed evidence that industrial dispersion has had a negative impact in localization
of manufacturing firms, weakening the inter-industrial links and the economies
of scale.
Beatriz González Vázquez
The relationships between the agents integrating innovative spaces are
essential for the development and success of these spaces. This article analyses the
networks of relationships occurring in several technological areas. Our aim is to verify
whether they follow or not the same pattern. These networks may be studied
from a reticulated perspective, on the basis of the companies´ attributes and the relational
variables generated between them, as well as from the search for a quantitative
explanatory model point of view. The empirical analysis has been made in three
Technological Parks and its outcome shows that the structure of the networks is influenced
by the growth strategy put in place by the management of the parks, taking into account the industrial conditions of their geographical area. The quantitative
analysis confirms the core-periphery model observed in the networks.
Olivier Meunier, Michel Mignolet y Marie-Eve Mulquin
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how national interpersonal
transfer policies affect regions economic growth. Reviewing the economic literature,
we found only incidental evidences and contradictory conclusions. Our objective is
to provide some statistical evidence of the relation between interregional interpersonal
redistribution towards poor European regions and their relative growth. Using some recent developments in the field of spatial data analysis, we found that interpersonal transfers do not seem to affect negatively the economic growth of poor European regions, while it is not possible to assert their impact on rich regions.
Books and publications
Surveys and Debates
Iván Finot
The processes of the region until now are oriented fundamentally to
ensure the accomplishment of national social policies. How to make to orient them
also to harness the local autonomy and mainly to do it in conditions of equality in
order to make the local and regional development possible, and in addition to advance
in other objectives? To respond to this question the author elaborates a synthesis
of the economic theory on decentralization and, to the light of this frame, he widely
reviews the processes of the region, using for it the unequal existing
information. Their main recommendations to orient the processes are: (i) to differentiate
between systems from financing from «corporate properties» and other potentials
goods to decentralize: «territorial goods», where the fairness principle would be «equal level of provision to equal fiscal effort»; (ii) to induce an political-administrative
territorial reordering oriented to reduce great demographic inequalities and of capacity
between circumscriptions of a same level, and (iii) to take advantage of better
endogenous capacities self-government.
Jordi Suriñach, Javier Romaní y Montserrat Termes
This paper brings up an amount of information, data and estimations,
most of them originated in academic literature, with the objective of generating a debate
on the economic effects of broadband, rather than its technical issues. Our goal
is to start a debate that brings out the economic effects of broadband implementation.
To achieve this goal, we start with a brief review of the different existing technologies,
the process of broadband implementation and extension, the role of the different
agents involved (carriers and providers, government, regulators) and the effect of regulation and competition in this market. After this introduction, an analysis of the territorial effect of broadband is performed. The article concludes with some final thoughts and an exhaustive bibliography for those who want to analyze this subject in
European Social Policy
Rubén Garrido Yserte, Tomás Mancha Navarro y Juan R. Cuadrado Roura
This paper shows the main lines of European cohesion and regional
policy (CRP) from its configuration in The Single European Act to the actual period
of programming 2007-2013, taking as starting point the analysis of main change vectors
of its development. The paper analyzes basically the last two periods of programming
and it presents the basic trends of the actual period implementing the three new objectives: convergence, regional competitiveness and European regional cooperation;
a more concentrate emphasis in programming and budgeting tasks; a reorientation
of proportionality principle and, finally, an special emphasis in simplification
and decentralisation. These new proposals introduce some doubts on the performances
related to the possibility of paying less attention to regional realities and serious
difficulties for matching with the Lisbon strategy.
Books reviews
Manuel Valenzuela
Luis Rubalcaba Bermejo