Analysis of the impact of European Founds 2000-2006 in the Community of Madrid from the 2000 social accounting matrix
The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of the European Funds
received by the Autonomous Community of Madrid during the period 2000-2006. To
carry out this objective, we shall work a social accounting matrix with data from the
year 2000, SAM-MAD-2000. A model of linear multipliers will be used to analyse how exogenous income injections coming from these Funds bring about an impact on
endogenous accounts. We consider the use of a linear multiplier technique adequate
since the strategy traditionally followed by European Regional Policy has been that
of fostering development through investments that bring about structural changes in
key sectors that boost economic growth in the region. This technique makes it possible
to identify the sectors that benefit more from the injections of income from European
Funds. The advantage of this methodology versus the input-output methodology
is its greater scope when reflecting the impact of community aid on all sectors of the
economy, including Institutional Sectors.
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