Luis Enrique Santiago, Boris Graizbord

Knowledge-Intensive Employment Growth in Mexican Cities, 2004-2019

This article analyzes the changes in employment in Knowledge Intensive Services (KIS) in Mexican cities between 2004 and 2019. Methodologically, the service sector is defined according to intensity and type of knowledge, and the dynamic shift-share and the cluster analysis are applied. The results indicate that the growth of KIS is mainly the product of the conditions that each city offers, which are not only defined by their size but also by their geographic location and interurban links. The performance of KIS though calls into question the competitive capacities of the country’s urban economies in the global economy.

Keywords: Knowledge-intensive activities; components of growth; urban system

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To cite this article

Santiago, L. ; Graizbord, B. (2022). Crecimiento del empleo ‘intensivo en conocimiento’ en ciudades de México, 2004-2019. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, , 97-118.