Matxalen Legarreta-Iza, Unai Villena-Camarero, Elena Martinez-Tola

Long-term Care Local Ecosystems: a proposal for evaluation

Demographic change and aging are general trends that have led to an increase in the demand for long-term care. The covid-19 pandemic bought this need for care to the forefront of the political agenda. In response, the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and the Basque Government have begun to support innovative public-community initiatives called Local Care Ecosystems. This article describes the design of an evaluation process guided by Theory of Change, which was developed by the pioneering initiative Pasaia Zaintza HerriLab [Pasaia Care Local Laboratory] for the development of a Local Care Ecosystem in the local municipality of Pasaia, Gipuzkoa. The paper provides useful insights for evaluating other public-community care initiatives and contributes to promoting a culture of evaluation within the institutions.


Keywords: Local Care Ecosystems; long term care; public-community initiatives; evaluation; Theory of Change

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To cite this article

Legarreta-Iza, M. ; Villena-Camarero, U. ; Martinez-Tola, E. (2024). Ecosistemas Locales de Cuidado de larga duración: una propuesta de evaluación. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 61, 137-154.