Ana Melisa Pardo Montaño, Claudio Alberto Dávila Cervantes

The effect of remittance reception in violence. An approximation for the case of Mexico

We analyze the effect of the reception of remittances on violence (approximated by the homicide mortality rate). The relevance of the study lies in the research of two phenomena with high impact on Mexico’s society and economy. We used a linear regression model with instrumental variables. At the municipal level we found a high and positive correlation between the homicide rate and the percentage of households that receive remittances, although this relationship does not extend throughout the whole territory. In general, the reception of remittances had a significant effect in the increase of violence.

Keywords: Remittances; violence; homicides; migration; Mexico

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To cite this article

Pardo Montaño, A. ; Dávila Cervantes, C. (2023). Efecto de la recepción de remesas en la violencia. Una aproximación para el caso de México. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 56, 33-50.