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Margarita Barañano Cid, Pedro Uceda Navas

Elders, circles of care and territory. Care networks in vulnerable neighborhoods of Madrid

The care that involves older people in vulnerable Madrid neighborhoods is favored by the prolonged permanence of this age group in these spaces and by the existence in them of broader networks of this activity, both in terms of concern, reception and care provision. The circulation of care includes their homes and also other neighborhood supports. Through qualitative analysis, it is confirmed that family care is more present in the narratives referring to the most peripheral and aging neighborhoods, with more permanence and home ownership.


Keywords: Elders; care networks; care circles; vulnerable neighborhoods; residential permanence

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To cite this article

Barañano Cid, M. ; Uceda Navas, P. (2024). Mayores, círculos de cuidados y territorio. Entramados de cuidados en barrios vulnerables de Madrid. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 61, 77-91.