Amélia Frazão-Moreira, Humberto Martins

National and Natural Parks in Portugal. A brief history to understand the appropriation by the state of humanized territories

The text examines legal frameworks in Portugal to discuss how nature conservation has been managed from a state perspective. Natural Protected Areas correspond to a desire of the political sphere to match an international environmental agenda. However, they have been implemented mainly in private properties or in baldios (communal, though not public lands). Therefore, in practical terms, a tension has been always present between the state and the communities and/or private owners since the beginning of the 20th Century with the creation of ‘forest perimeters’. The article flies over the critical turning points in Portuguese conservation policies from the seventies of the 20th Century to present-day with the recently created diploma of co-management for Protected Areas.

Keywords: Portugal; state; protected areas; conservation; legal diplomas

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To cite this article

Frazão-Moreira, A. ; Martins, H. (2023). National and Natural Parks in Portugal. A brief history to understand the appropriation by the state of humanized territories. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 55, 93-111.