The Woodlands: A different way of governance
The Woodlands (Texas) is one of the best examples of success in
a public-private partnership between the US Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) and a private firm. Developed as a New Town by MitchellEnergy & Development Corporation, The Woodlands has flourished and created
a critical mass of residential development, employment, its own sense of community
and, significantly, its own form of governance as the only example in United
States of government by community associations. The Community Associations,
represented by a board of directors, provides most public goods to the community.
In this paper, we see what is called «citizen involvement» based on what New
Public Service theory defines as government based in the community. They are not
reinventing government; they are creating new governance where citizens prefer to
empower rather than to serve. This case study help us understand how higher citizen
participation in local governance can decrease developer’s power. This community
involvement creates a citizen implication in city growth and governance.
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