Otoño 2009
European Regional Policy
María Isabel Heredero de Pablos y Blanca Olmedillas Blanco
The EU-funded program INTERREG was designed to avoid the national
boundaries to be an obstacle nor to the balanced territorial development nor to
the integration of the European territory. Besides, its aim was an integrated action
for the economic development and economic and social cohesion. This initiative has
been quite relevant for Spain, which has become one of the most to benefit from European
Territorial Policy and, in particular, from the cross-border and trans-national
policy. From 2007 onwards, it has been established a new legal framework for the EU-Cohesion Policy, in which the Interregional Cooperation reaches a higher legal
level and in which the Spanish bordering areas will keep on benefiting from financial
Bernardí Cabrer, Guadalupe Serrano y Rocío Simarro
This paper focuses on estimating interregional human capital migration
flows in Spain, based on the assumption of key hypothesis on data and temporal
characteristics of educated population migration flows. The results point to the increasing
intensity of medium and high educated gross migration flows and confirm Madrid, the Basque Country and Catalonia as the three main independent poles of
attraction and emission for educated migrants. Likewise, there is a reasonable concordance
between education levels of immigrants and the needs for educated workers
in Spanish regions. However, the average amount of years of study within the
active population in the region is increasing while that of the immigrants remains
unaltered, thus immigration seemed not to be a key factor in reducing regional inequalities
in human capital endowments.
Fernando Rubiera Morollón y Elizabeth Aponte Jaramillo
The growth of cities implies an extension of the metropolitan space.
New sub-centers appear which guarantee the provision of goods and services throughout
the metropolitan space without daily population displacements. However,
this type of development could either reinforce the hegemony of the main city centre
or lead to its decline. When a strong centre exists, and it is maintained, is easy to organize
an efficient network of public transport which guarantees contact among all
the social classes and avoids the segregation of certain minorities or lower income
groups. Certain political decisions, such as intra-metropolitan decentralization or infrastructures
which provide incentives for private vehicle use, could lead to the loss
of hegemony of the main centre. As a consequence, some very important cities in
the world are very complicated to manage. This paper analyses the specific case of
the main Colombian city, Bogota. This is a very relevant case because some of the
policies of this city are an example to other cities of Latin America. The data show
an important decline of the centre of Bogota coupled with the development of new
peripheral centers of the metropolitan area. Our analysis of the capital of Colombia
could be useful for other similar Latin American.
Ángeles Cámara Sánchez y Miguel Ángel Marcos Calvo
The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of the European Funds
received by the Autonomous Community of Madrid during the period 2000-2006. To
carry out this objective, we shall work a social accounting matrix with data from the
year 2000, SAM-MAD-2000. A model of linear multipliers will be used to analyse how exogenous income injections coming from these Funds bring about an impact on
endogenous accounts. We consider the use of a linear multiplier technique adequate
since the strategy traditionally followed by European Regional Policy has been that
of fostering development through investments that bring about structural changes in
key sectors that boost economic growth in the region. This technique makes it possible
to identify the sectors that benefit more from the injections of income from European
Funds. The advantage of this methodology versus the input-output methodology
is its greater scope when reflecting the impact of community aid on all sectors of the
economy, including Institutional Sectors.
Fernando Lera-López, María Gil Izquierdo y Margarita Billón-Currás
This paper analyzes the impact of a variety of socioeconomic and regional
factors to explain Internet use by individuals in Spain. Using probit models
we obtain that socio-demographic variables explain Internet use in Spain. The influence
of education, age and occupation seem to be particularly strong. We also
find that regional variables (percentage of employment in the services sector, GDP
per capita, ICT capital) show a positive influence on Internet use by individuals. The results allow us to identify variables to promote policy actions within the framework
of the Information Society.
Ricardo Méndez Gutiérrez del Valle, Simón Sánchez Moral, Luis Abad Aragón e Ignacio García Balestena
The article begins with a review of the concepts regarding the interrelationships
between knowledge and urban development, proposing a scheme of four
main channels whereby cities join the knowledge society: namely, economic structure,
human capital, innovation effort and networking. Upon this basis, Spanish cities
are subjected to a comparative analysis of their knowledge indicators in each of
these components, considering the degree of spatial concentration and possible spatial correlations among these indicators. The analysis concludes with a typology of
Spanish cities according to ways of access to the knowledge society.
Néstor Duch, Daniel Montolio and Mauro Mediavilla
In this paper we evaluate the effectiveness of regional R&D public
programs in Catalonia (Spain) with a two-stage procedure. Firstly, we compare the
performance of publicly subsidised companies (treated) with that of similar, but unsubsidised
companies (non-treated). We use the Propensity Score Matching (PSM)
methodology to construct a control group which, with regard to its observable characteristics,
is as similar as possible to the treated group, and that allows us to identify
firms which maintain the same propensity to receive public subsidies. Secondly,
and once a valid comparison group has been established, we compare the
respective performance of each firm using regression techniques. As a result, we
find that recipient firms, on average, seem to increase their value added as a direct
result of public subsidy programs.
Books and publications
Methodological and research notes
Fernando Martín Mayoral y Carlos Garcimartín
Although there exists abundant literature about convergence across
the Spanish regions, most of the research has been developed by using cross-section
regressions or data panel techniques with fixed effects, resulting in biased estimates
that may make their conclusions less tenable. In addition, many of these studies do not explicitly account for the effect of the traditional variables determining the steady
state. This paper is aimed at overcoming these limitations. The main conclusion
that stems from our analysis is that the deep reduction in steady-state disparities
across the Spanish regions can be attributed to a large extent to the differences in
their population growth rates, which are due mainly to inter-regional migrations.
Carlos Llano
In this note we introduce the 1995 Spanish Interregional Input-Output
Model, which was estimated using a wide set of One-region input-output tables
and interregional trade matrices, estimated for each sector using interregional transport
flows. Based on this framework, and by means of the Hypothetical Regional
Extraction Method, the interregional backward and feedback effects are computed,
capturing the pull effect of every region over the rest of Spain, through their sectoral
relations within the intermediate demand.
Surveys and Debates
Pilar Sorribas-Navarro
The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of fiscal decentralization
on subcentral governments’ budgetary discipline according to the evidence of case
studies of ten countries that have significantly different institutional environments.
Before analysing the case studies, we systematize the effect of the different characteristics of the fiscal institutional environment on the central government decision
on whether (or not) to intervene assigning additional resources to the subcentral government
when they issue debt, i.e. bailing them out. The experiences of these different
countries show that fiscal decentralization can discipline the subcentral governments’
budgetary decisions, as it happens, for instance, in the USA, Canada and
Hungary. However, there are no specific characteristics of the institutional environment
that guarantees subcentral budgetary discipline. The absence of bailout in the
past builds the reputation of the central government and it is a common characteristic
in the three countries of the sample where subcentral governments have hard
budget constraints.
Books reviews
Por Julio López Laborda