Marta Portela, Isabel Neira
This paper examines the determinants of happiness in Spain with special attention to «social capital», using data from the fourth wave (2008) of European Social Survey (ESS). The analysis is performed through discrete choice models, also considering regional differences. In addition to the traditional determinants as age, sex, marital status, health status, educational levels, measured on the income level, we perform a principal components analysis on the three dimensions of social capital: trust, social networks and social norms.
Efraín Gonzales de Olarte, Juan Manuel del Pozo Segura
The purpose of this paper is to study the formation of various urban centers in Metropolitan Lima (Peru), on the basis of the Polycentric Model. Given the scarcity of empirical data, our approach has been based on the localization of workers as an indicator of spatial economic concentration.We have used georeferenced data of employment at the level of census tracts from the 2008 Economic Census and a combination of methodologies that has allowed us to estimate density functions. We have identified ten centers and classified them considering the degree of agglomeration and consolidation of economics activities. Results confirm the hypothesis that Lima is a polycentric city.
Asier Minondo Uribe-Etxeberria, Francisco Requena Silvente
Why do exports grow faster in some regions than in others? The regional literature has traditionally answered this question using a shift-share analysis, which focuses on regional differences in the composition of international exports by industry and destination. In this paper we apply an intensive/extensive margin decomposition framework, which separates the role of new trade relationships, product survival and product deepening to explain the differences in international exports growth across Spanish regions. Unlike the predominance role of the intensive margin in country-level studies, our results show that both the intensive and the extensive margin can be very important components of regional exports growth. Moreover, the relevance of each component varies to a great extent across regions. Our findings suggest that policies implemented to promote exports should be designed at the regional level.
Juan C. Duque, José R. García, Jordi Suriñach
This article presents a methodology to calculate, for the whole of the Autonomous Communities in Spain, firm demography indicators at the sector level, disaggregating in terms of both business size and the legal status of companies. We provide empirical evidence using quarterly accounts of Social Security for Catalonia. As firm demography indicators are usually obtained annually, we propose new formulations that allow their calculation on quarterly bases, using information from the Social Security records, so that the results are consistent with the official information.
Matilde Lafuente Lechuga, Úrsula Faura Martínez
In this paper we analyze the vulnerability to the social exclusion among resident adults in Spain by Autonomous Communities (CCAA), from the data provided by the Survey of Living Conditions for the years 2005, 2007 and 2009. Identified the vulnerable individuals of every region across the multivariate technical of Factor Analysis, we obtain his incident, intensity and risk to the vulnerability for each year in study. This has allowed us to analyze the situation of each CCAA and to classify them into homogeneous groups as a basis for the design of social policies that favor the inclusion of these individuals into the society.
José M. Pavía, Beatriz Larraz
Convergence objective seeks to promote growth within European Union (EU) for least-developed regions. The list of regions and areas eligible for Convergence are chosen from the NUTS-2 European regional classification. However, as it is well-known, spatial (and temporal) measures are scale dependent. The aim of this article is to show how sensitive Convergence selection criterion is to the level of geographic aggregation used, assessing the impact that the use of a different NUTS breakdown would have had on the distribution of the regional budget among countries.
Ignacio Carciofi, Diego Azqueta
The efficient management of natural renewable resources in open access and common property became popular among economists due to the «Tragedy of the Commons». Earlier writings emphasized the need of a regulatory system that could end with overexploitation and preserve the resource. Open access and common property were associated with economic inefficiencies. Elinor Ostrom, in a seminal work, departed from that conceptual approach and advocated for self-governed communal areas. This paper has two main objectives. On the one hand, to make a review of the economic literature about exploitation in common property and open access natural resources. On the other, to explicit that local components and distributional aspects in fishery management are in danger because of technological advances which are threatening artisanal small-scale fisheries.
Matilde Mas y Mikel Navarro (dirs.)