Victor Manuel Bellido-Jiménez, Domingo Martín-Martín, Isidoro Romero Luna

Self-employment in immigrants and the survival of incubated businesses in Andalusia

This paper investigates the existence of specific patterns of survival in the case of the businesses created by self-employed immigrants compared to those driven by national self-employed. The analysis uses a database made up of all the businesses incubated by public support services developed by the Andalucía Emprende Foundation (Ministry of Employment, Training and Self-employment of the Regional Government of Andalusia) in the period 2009-14. The results show that the chances of survival of immigrant businesses are lower than that of national promoters even after controlling for territorial characteristics, the characteristics of the business projects and the personal characteristics of the self-employed. It is also observed that the educational level of promoters increases business survival, having a significantly larger effect in the case of the immigrant self-employed.

Keywords: business survival; entrepreneurship; incubation; immigrant; self-employment

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To cite this article

Bellido-Jiménez, V. ; Martín-Martín, D. ; Romero Luna, I. (2021). Autoempleo en inmigrantes y supervivencia empresarial de los negocios incubados en Andalucía. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 52, 59-80.