Sandra Aguilera Moyano, Àlex Costa Saenz de San Pedro, Dolors Cotrina Aguirre, Marc Fíguls Sierra, Vittorio Galletto, Enric Puig Paronella, Josep Lluís Raymond

Does productivity change in the territory? A methodological proposal for the estimation of urban GDP in the Spanish economy

The objective of this work is to contribute to cover the information gap with respect to the estimation of the municipal GDP by presenting a calculation methodology based on the estimation of the differential sectoral productivity of the city with respect to its Autonomous Community. Sectoral wage differentials between cities and Autonomous Communities estimated from the Continuous Sample of Labor Lives for the period 2010-2016 are used. The results seem to indicate that relevant aspects of the economy of cities are being collected, such as, among others, potential economies of agglomeration.

Keywords: GDP; productivity; agglomeration; wages

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To cite this article

Aguilera Moyano, S. ; Costa Saenz de San Pedro, Ã. ; Cotrina Aguirre, D. ; Fíguls Sierra, M. ; Galletto, V. ; Puig Paronella, E. ; Raymond, J. (2020). ¿Cambia la productividad en el territorio? Una propuesta metodológica para la estimación del PIB urbano en la economía española. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 47, 79-95.