Moisés Obaco Álvarez, Nicola Pontarollo, Rodrigo Mendieta Muñoz

Subnational Multidimensional Poverty Dynamics in Developing Countries: the cases of Ecuador and Uruguay

This paper studies deprivation dynamics at the subnational level, introducing a Local Multidimensional Poverty Index (LMPI), and focusing on multidimensional poverty in Ecuador and Uruguay between the last two available censuses, 1990–2010 and 1996–2011, respectively. As a first step, we construct the LMPI at the municipal level using microdata from both counties. Subsequently, we explore spatial and temporal dynamics through a set of tools such as the salter graph, Moran’s I, Moran scatterplot, and spatial transition matrix. The results indicate that compared to Ecuador, Uruguay was initially in a better position in terms of the LMPI. However, Ecuador achieved a generalized reduction of the LMPI during the period of analysis, reaching levels close to that of Uruguay. Nevertheless, spatial persistence in the LMPI is observed.

Keywords: Developing economies; composite indicators; multidimensional poverty; spatial transition matrix

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To cite this article

Obaco Álvarez, M. ; Pontarollo, N. ; Mendieta Muñoz, R. (2022). Dinámica de la pobreza multidimensional subnacional en los países en desarrollo: los casos de Ecuador y Uruguay. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 52, 11-35.