Carlos Gonçalves, Monique Borges, João Marques

Post-crisis Resilient Governance in Centro region (Portugal) after 2017 wildfires

Governance systems, when addressing post-disaster action, play an important role in minimizing the community’s vulnerability in future disruptive events. The literature describes how post-disaster actions towards resistance-resilience measures are often implemented, shifting to adaptive-resilience approaches as a second concern, and disregarding resilience-transformative strategies. Two consecutive wildfires in the Centro Region (Portugal), in 2017, cut off access to the Services of General Interest (SGIs) and knocked off-balance the socioeconomic territorial structure and identity (the main impact was 116 mortal victims). In this paper, the media coverage of the phenomena during the 12 months following the disaster is analysed using a sample of 150 news articles published in two newspapers. The public discourses are indicative of the overall importance given to the impact and to the responses based on resistance-resilience measures. Moreover, the theoretical and practical challenges for the policy design and organization of the governance systems in post-disaster contexts is discussed.

Keywords: Post-disaster resilience; governance systems; services of general interest; resistance; adaptability; wildfire

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To cite this article

Gonçalves, C. ; Borges, M. ; Marques , J. (2021). Post-crisis Resilient Governance in Centro region (Portugal) after 2017 wildfires. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 51, 129-147.