Alberto José Figueras, Daniela Cristina, Valeria Blanco, Iván Martín Iturralde

The influence of agglomeration on growth: A study of Argentina

This paper analyses the influence of agglomeration on economic growth in the Argentinian provinces for the period 1981–2007 using fixed effects and GMM estimation for panel data. The choice of the estimation approach is crucial. After controlling for potential simultaneity bias, there is evidence of a link between agglomeration and growth in the Argentinian provinces, suggesting that the Williamson hypothesis is in place.

Keywords: Regional growth; agglomeration; Williamson hypothesis; Argentina

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To cite this article

Figueras, A. ; Cristina, D. ; Blanco, V. ; Iturralde, I. (2021). The influence of agglomeration on growth: A study of Argentina. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 51, 33-61.