Investigaciones Regionales – Número 21 (íntegramente en inglés) ya disponible.

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El número 21 de Investigaciones Regionales se ha editado íntegramente en inglés:


The special issue on Contributions to Spatial Econometrics (number 21) of the journal of the Spanish Regional Science Association (AECR) Investigaciones Regionales is already available both on line ( and printable version. This 2011 Special Issue, coordinated by Matias Mayor and Esteban Fernandez (University of Oviedo) is an econometric and international compilation written totally in English. It contains five theoretical and methodological scientific-academic papers and other seven empirical contributions.

In the theoretical block of the volumen, Jean Paelinck propose, test and apply to French regional data a new index of peakiness on geographic patterns, improving the former analytical índices which he and Getis proposed in 2004. Lopez-Hernandez, Artal-Tur and Maté-Sánchez-Val identify nonlinear spatial dependence patterns by using non parametric tests and apply them for the European Union. Angulo and Mur study the performance of the likelihood ratio test of common factors under non-ídeal conditions, particularly in the case of heterocedasticity, non-normality, endogeneity, dense weighting matrices and non-linearity. Fernandez-Vazquez update weighting matrices using cross entropy econometrics, comparing classical with CE estimators by means of Monte Carlo simulations in several scenarios on the true spatial effect. Finally, Peter Burridge sets up a nesting spatial regression model which incorporates heteroskedastic shocks and discusses hypothesis testing in both nested and non-nested cases in a quasi-likelihood framework, suggesting directions for future research agenda.

In the empirical applications, Mitze apply various homogeneous and heterogeneous panel data esimatiors to a Spatial Panel Error Correction Model (SpECM) for regional output growth in order to analyze the short and long run impacts of internationalization activities. Suarez, Mayor and Cueto analyze the effect of the accesibility to employment offices on local unemployment rates according to the distribution of three different types of municipalities in Spain. Ribeiro and Silva, using socioeconomic data from the Portugal/Spain cross-border area, measure the relation between accesibility and development. Montero, Fernandez-Aviles and Minguez use spatial hedonic prices models for testing the adequacy of acoustic areas in Madrid (Spain). Aliaga, Herrera, Leguía, Mur, Ruiz and Villegas, using spatial causality, analyze the deforestation process in Bolivia. Marquez, Ramajo and Hewings estímate the dynamic domestic effects of public infraestructura using a structural vector autorregresive (S-VAR) methodology for the Spanish regions. Finally, Angulo, Mtimet, Dhehibi, Atwi, Ben Youssef, Gil and Sai apply a revisited gravity equation in trade flow analysis to the case of Tunisian olive oil exports.