Patricia Suárez Cano, Matías Mayor Fernández, Begoña Cueto Iglesias

How important is access to employment offices in Spain? An urban and non-urban perspective

The aim of this paper is to analyze the effect of the accessibility to employment offices on local unemployment rates according to the distribution of three different types of municipalities: large urban, small urban and non-urban. We built a new accessibility measure taking into account the number of employment offices together with the distance and size of their catchment area. We propose an empirical model with spatial regimes that allows including simultaneously spatial heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation. The results suggest that the accessibility to employment offices is especially important in non-urban areas where employment opportunities are limited. Employment services are important because bridge the gap between unemployed workers and employers where job opportunities are unclear.

Check other articles from the issue Monográfico 2011 'Contributions to spatial econometrics' or from other issues.