Primavera 2015


European Regional Policy

Manuel Alejandro Cardenete, María del Carmen Delgado

Analysis of the impact of the European Funds 2007-2013 in Andalusia using a computable general equilibrium model

Ever since the accession of Spain to the European Economic Community, Andalusia has been recipient of European Funds, hence, this paper proposes an analysis that will reveal the economic impact of the Funds received by the Autonomous Community of Andalusia during the period 2007-2013. For this, we will present a Computable General Equilibrium Model (CGE), which will assess, in different simulation scenarios, the effects on the main macroeconomic indicators. The results will highlight the significant contribution of the European Funds for regional growth in the period analyzed.

Keywords: Social Accounting Matrices; General Equilibrium Models; European Regional Policy; Impact Analysis

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Fernando González Laxe, María Jesús Freire, Carlos Pais Montes

Connectivity in Mediterranean Spanish Ports

Abstract :The effects of current world crisis, together with emerging new maritimeroutes bring about significant changes in terms of polarization of economicand logistic areas. Traditional parameters defining port attractiveness are changing.New criteria around internal and external port connectivity determine its prospects,giving rise to a new international port hierarchy.

This research proposes a measure of the Spanish Mediterranean ports influence interms of external connectivity (foreland). The measure will be explained /laid outhighlighting distinct inter-port specializations and connectivity.

Keywords: Thipping; ports; competitiveness; selection and connectivity

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Andrés Leal Marcos, Julio López

A study of the determinants of budgetary deviations of the Autonomous Communities in the period 2003-2012

This paper aims to identify factors that can explain the behaviour of the Autonomous Communities in relation to their budgetary stability objectives. For this purpose, it is estimated, for all regions and for the period 2003-2012, the degree of compliance of each community with its deficit target based on compliance in the previous exercises and a set of variables related to macroeconomic, political, budgetary and institutional factors. According to the results, the previous breach of an Autonomous Community increases non-compliance in the current period, while the previous breach of the whole regional level stimulates individual compliance. In election year, the degree of non-compliance with the objectives of stability will be higher. The opposite happens if the president of the community belongs to the PSOE. Finally, lower per capita revenues or higher per capita primary expenditures also favor the breach of regional fiscal rules. The revenue effect is greater than the expenditure one and this latter seems to be owed more to the functioning of the political market in each region than to changes in expenditure needs.

Keywords: Budgetary stability; Deficit; Deviations; Autonomous Communities

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Mercedes Jiménez García, José Ruiz Chico, Antonio Rafael Peña Sánchez

Analysis of Andalucian rural areas and their tourism, from a point of view of geographic proximity to Andalucian urban centers

The importance of rural tourism, as a driver for regional development in Andalusia, has had an increasing interest. However, a point mentioned repeatedly but barely studied is the reference to the distance between the place of residence and the municipality in which the tourism develops. This is the core of this article, which tries to know the relationship between the intensity of tourist accommodation and the distance to urban centers. It is also studied if the distance between rural and urban municipalities can be considered a relevant factor to establish the typology of a rural area.

Keywords: Rural area; rural tourism; cluster analysis; distance

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Luis Ángel Hierro Recio, Pedro Atienza Montero

The stabilization effect of the regional financing in Spain

The aim of this paper is to estimate the stabilizing effect of the regional financing in Spain on the regional business cycles, both as a whole and considering individually each Autonomous Community and distinguishing the effect of taxes and transfers. Furthermore, we distinguish between a scenario considering the actual financing resources from financing models and an alternative considering the standardized financing resources. For the aggregate estimation we implement a Generalized Least Squares estimation to a panel of data for the period 1987-2010. To estimate the individual stabilizing effect in each region, we employ the technique of Seemingly Unrelated Regression (SUR) for the total period. The results show that the stabilizing effect of the total resources for the whole period is 6.9% and 5.1% as we use one or the other scenario and that the effect is asymmetric and wider than at the aggregate level when calculated for each Autonomous Community.

Keywords: Regional financing; stabilizing effect; asymmetric economic cycles

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Ana Laura Bojórquez Carrillo, Mary Esther Manzano Loría, Lucio Jesús Uc Heredia

The analysis of the relationship between the administrative capacity and the transparency in the local governments in Mexico

One of the main attributes of gobernance is the accountability of public finances (Kim, 2007). That is why in Mexico, this topic has been part of the public agendas; however, the results have not been satisfactory. The goal of this articule is to determine the relationship that exists between the administrative capacity and transparency in Yucatan´s municipalities. The results show that there exists an important relationship between these two variables so there is a need to strengthen the local administrative capacities so they are not a barrier to achieve our goals.

Keywords: Administrative capacity, transparency, accountability, municipal, local development

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Books and publications


Methodological and research notes

Juan Gabriel Brida, Nicolás Garrido, David Matesanz Gómez

Hierarchical analysis of the evolution of the economic dynamics of Spanish regions during the period 1955-2009

The aim of this work is to analyse the regional Spanish growth dynamic from 1955 to 2009. In so doing we introduce two different metrics which permit to compare the economic performance of the Spanish regions based on the temporal series correlation and distance from a dynamic systems framework. By applying a non parametric method to these metrics we detect two different kinds of «performance clubs». One of them shows a relatively homogenous growth dynamic and it is basically conformed by the richest Spanish regions. The other one has shown a more heterogeneous growth dynamic. The economic dynamic of both clubs has been completely different.

Keywords: Performance and convergence clubs, Spanish regions, hierarchical trees, complex systems

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Andrés Gómez-Lobo, Juan Luis Jiménez, Jordi Perdiguero

The entry of a hard discount supermarket: price effects

In this paper we study how an incumbent supermarket reacts when entry by a new operator is announced but does not know the product variety that the entrant will offer. We use a database obtained from a special survey for supermarkets in Gran Canaria to estimate how incumbents reacted to entry in the products sold and not sold by the new entrant (LIDL). We show that there is evidence that prices for all goods prior to entry were initially lower in supermarkets close to the future entrant compared to supermarkets further away. However, after entry incumbents’ prices for products not sold by the entrant actually rose near the entrant’s new stores, compared to a suitable control group of supermarkets farther away.

Keywords: Entry; Product Variety; Prices; Retailing

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Surveys and Debates

Alberto Ruiz-Villaverde, Francisco González-Gómez, Andrés J. Picazo- Tadeo

The privatisation of urban water services: theory and empirical evidence in the case of Spain

Following the wave of deregulation and privatisation of public firms that started in Anglo-Saxon economies in the late 1970s, most industrialised countries changed their laws to encourage the contracting out of local services. Accordingly, in 1985 many Spanish municipalities began to privatise their urban water services. However, three decades after the first privatisations took place, and against a backdrop of increasing opposition to new privatisations, several municipalities are now returning to the public provision of these services. In this context, after establishing a theoretical framework for privatisation, this paper goes on to describe the main features of the process of privatisation of urban water services in Spain, as well as recent trends towards remunicipalisation. With no clear empirical evidence as to whether public or private management of urban water services is better, this ongoing debate is set to continue and will be strongly influenced by prevailing ideological trends as well as other environmental factors.

Keywords: Urban water services; privatisation; remunicipalisation; Spain

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