Un enfoque alternativo para medir la pobreza multidimensional utilizando conjuntos difusos: análisis espacial para Ecuador Wednesday May 4th, 2022
Dinámica de la pobreza multidimensional subnacional en los países en desarrollo: los casos de Ecuador y Uruguay
Do the novelty and type of innovation affect the performance of firms? A case study for Ecuador Monday September 13th, 2021
El escenario Smart y sus derivadas en la estrategia de marketing online de los destinos turísticos. El caso de la Comunitat Valenciana Monday July 26th, 2021
The forestry products value chain and the costs of reshaping it: Multi-regional impacts of shrinking the pulp and paper industries in Portugal
Feeding the Leviathan: political competition and soft budget constraints. Evidence from Argentine subnational districts Monday July 19th, 2021
Spatial social effects on the decision to participate in the youth labor market in a developing country