Antonio Caparrós Ruiz y Mª. Lucía Navarro Gómez

Open-ended contracts occupational segregation according to nationality: Andalusia versus the rest of Spain

As a result of recent Spanish labour market reforms, the overall permanent contracts have been divided in three groups: regular open-ended contracts, subsidized permanent contracts from the conversion of fixed-term contracts and subsidized initial open-ended contracts. The first objective of this paper is to analyze the impact of these types of permanent contracts versus fixed-term contracts on the immigrant population in comparison with the native one. The second aim pretends to shed new light on the quality of immigrant´s jobs contrasting the existence of occupational segregation. The methodology used for the first aim, consists in estimating multinomial logit models where the dependent variable shows the contractual arrangements of the workers. For the second aim, indexes of occupational segregation by type of contract are obtained. This analysis is done separately for Andalusia and for the rest of Spain, distinguishing employees with less or more experience to observe the process of labour market assimilation of immigrants. The data used in this work comes from the “Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales” (MTAS, 2006).

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