Regional Disparities in the European Union. An approach through economic and social cohesion
According to the Treaty of the European Union of 1992 and the Constitution
actually in process to be accepted by all Community members, the accomplishment
of a higher economic and social cohesion is one of its main objectives. This aim
includes a variety of aspects, but not clearly well defined in the European documents.
GDP per capita has normally been considered the most useful indicator to measure
the progress in terms of regional convergence. This indicator is also used to determine
the «eligibility» of the lagging regions to receive funds from the Structural Funds (particularly
the «Objective 1» regions). It is also used to evaluate regional successes. Nevertheless,
the progress towards a higher regional economic and social cohesion is not
adequately measured through this simple way. The objective of this paper is to propose
and estimate a more complete approach using a high number of variables and applying
multicriteria methods such as the «Electre». Demographic, educational, economic and
social indicators are used, as well as other directly related to regional competitiveness.
Results referred to «Objective 1» regions and regions between 75-100% of the European
average in GDP pc. show some relevant changes in terms of interregional cohesion
in the EU-15 between 1987-2000, with significant differences compared to the
most conventional approaches to regional disparities. Findings suggest a way to better
qualify the regions to be considered as «eligible» by the European Regional Policy.
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