Angel Aronés Cisneros, Anna Badia Perpinyà, Jordi Nadal Tersa, Vivien Bonnesoeur

Forest fires in ecosystems of the humid puna in the Andes of Ayacucho, Peru

This research analyzes the extent and frequency of forest fires in the humid puna ecosystem from 2013 to 2021, identifying the affected areas and determining the causes in order to improve fire management in the department of Ayacucho (Andean region). from Peru). The methodology combines cartographic analysis, satellite images and semi-structured interviews to identify the causes, consequences and mitigation alternatives of the fires. The results show that the areas affected by the fires during the 9 years are very differentiated, with 2020 being the year with the largest burned area, reaching 2,836 ha, which represents 14.89% of the humid puna of the study area. In addition, the most frequently burned areas are repeated between 7 and 9 times in different years, with an average of 182 ha burned recurrently. The causes of the fires are clearly of anthropic origin caused by the (i) opening of new fields or burning of stubble; (ii) ichu burning for pasture regrowth and (iii) for cultural reasons. It is concluded that the combination of cartographic analysis methodology, satellite images and semi-structured interviews provide information that allows understanding the dynamics of the territory and improve the management and implementation of territorial policies in the mitigation of fires.


Keywords: Forest fires; satellite images; Andes; humid puna

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To cite this article

Aronés Cisneros, A. ; Badia Perpinyà, A. ; Nadal Tersa, J. ; Bonnesoeur, V. (2024). Incendios forestales en ecosistemas de la puna húmeda en los Andes de Ayacucho, Perú. Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 59, 127-147.